Omron Q2A

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Sürücü kalitesi – Omron Q2A’ya özel uygulama sürücüsü

Omron Q2A ‘nın sağladığı avantajlar kısaca:

  • Açık/kapalı çevrim hızı veya torku kontrolü
  • Yerleşik fonksiyonel emniyet (STO SIL3)
  • Dahili C3 sınıfı EMC filtresi
  • EN 60721-3-3, 3S2 ve 3C2’ye uygundur
  • Dahili fren transistörü (maks. 90 kW)
  • Sezgisel tuş takımı ve navigasyon ile hızlı ve kolay kurulum
  • Veri depolama için Micro SD
  • Gerçek Zamanlı Saat
  • Kontrol panosu için 24 VDC güç kaynağı girişi
  • Haberleşme seçenekleri: EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP/IP, POWERLINK
  • Mobil Cihaz bağlantısı (USB veya isteğe bağlı Bluetooth ile)
  • İsteğe bağlı rejeneratif çözümler
  • CE, UL, cUL, EAC, RoHS

Omron Q2A Improved motor performance

  • Omron Q2A serisi farklı motor tiplerini açık ve kapalı çevrimler içinde kontrol edebilir.
  • Standart olarak maks. 590 Hz.
  • Enkoder olmadan sıfır hız kontrolü.
  • EZ vektörü ile ayar gerektirmez.
  • IM, PM ve SynRM motorları için gelişmiş motor kontrolü.

Cost effective network integration

Tek bir haberleşme opsiyon kartı ile maks. 5 Q2A.

Omron Q2A PC configuration tools: Q2edit and Q2dev

Mühendislik sürenizi optimize edin. Grafik Geliştirme Ortamı, uygulama özelleştirmeyi hızlandırır. Grafik kurulum: Q2 düzenleme yazılımı aracı, bilgisayarlar ve akıllı cihazlar için parametre ayarı ve izleme özelliği sunar.

Program >> Deploy >> Go

Q2A sürücü serisi, herhangi bir güç kaynağına bağlı olmadan programlanabilir. Bilgisayarınızın USB portlarından birine bağlayıp programlamaya başlamanız yeterlidir. Artık kolay devreye alma sürecinin tadını çıkarabilirsiniz.


Diğer frekans invertörleri için tıklayınız.

Ürün broşürü

Özellikler ve sipariş bilgisi

Ordering information

Q2A inverter

Specifications Order code
Voltage Heavy Duty (HD) Normal Duty (HD)
Max motor (kW) Rated current (A) Max motor (kW) Rated current (A)
200 V 0.55 3.2 0.75 3.5 Q2A-A2004-AAA
0.75 5.0 1.1 6 Q2A-A2006-AAA
1.5 8.0 2.2 9.6 Q2A-A2010-AAA
2.2 11 3.0 12.2 Q2A-A2012-AAA
4.0 17.5 5.5 21 Q2A-A2021-AAA
5.5 25 7.5 30 Q2A-A2030-AAA
7.5 33 11 42 Q2A-A2042-AAA
11 47 15 56 Q2A-A2056-AAA
15 60 18.5 70 Q2A-A2070-AAA
18.5 75 22 82 Q2A-A2082-AAA
22 88 30 110 Q2A-A2110-AAA
30 115 37 138 Q2A-A2138-AAA
37 145 45 169 Q2A-A2169-AAA
45 180 55 211 Q2A-A2211-AAA
55 215 75 257 Q2A-A2257-AAA
75 283 90 313 Q2A-A2313-AAA
90 346 110 360 Q2A-A2360-AAA
110 415 Q2A-A2415-AAA
Specifications Order code
Voltage Heavy Duty (HD) < 460 V Heavy Duty (HD) ≥ 460 V Normal Duty (ND) < 460 V Normal Duty (ND) ≥ 460 V
Max motor
current (A)
Max motor
current (A)
Max motor
current (A)
Max motor
current (A)
400 V 0.55 1.8 0.55 1.6 0.75 2.1 0.75 2.1 Q2A-A4002-AAA
0.75 3.4 0.75 2.1 1.5 4.1 1.5 3.4 Q2A-A4004-AAA
1.5 4.8 1.5 3.4 2.2 5.4 2.2 4.8 Q2A-A4005-AAA
2.2 5.5 2.2 4.8 3.0 7.1 3.0 6.9 Q2A-A4007-AAA
3.0 7.2 3.0 6.9 3.7 8.9 3.7 7.6 Q2A-A4009-AAA
3.7 9.2 3.7 7.6 5.5 11.9 5.5 11 Q2A-A4012-AAA
5.5 14.8 5.5 11 7.5 17.5 7.5 14 Q2A-A4018-AAA
7.5 18 7.5 14 11 23.4 11 21 Q2A-A4023-AAA
11 24 11 21 15 31 15 27 Q2A-A4031-AAA
15 31 15 27 18.5 38 18.5 34 Q2A-A4038-AAA
18.5 39 18.5 34 22 44 22 40 Q2A-A4044-AAA
22 45 22 40 30 59.6 30 52 Q2A-A4060-AAA
30 60 30 52 37 74.9 37 65 Q2A-A4075-AAA
37 75 37 65 45 89.2 45 77 Q2A-A4089-AAA
45 91 45 77 55 103 55 96 Q2A-A4103-AAA
55 112 55 96 75 140 75 124 Q2A-A4140-AAA
75 150 75 124 90 168 90 156 Q2A-A4168-AAA
90 180 90 156 110 208 110 180 Q2A-A4208-AAA
110 216 110 180 132 250 150 240 Q2A-A4250-AAA
132 260 150 240 160 296 185 302 Q2A-A4296-AAA
160 304 185 302 200 371 220 361 Q2A-A4371-AAA
200 371 220 361 220 389 260 414 Q2A-A4389-AAA
220 414 260 414 250 453 300 477 Q2A-A4453-AAA
250 453 300 477 315 568 335 515 Q2A-A4568-AAA
315 605 335 515 355 675 370 605 Q2A-A4675-AAA

① Line filters

200 V 400 V
Line filter (Schaffner) Model
Line filter (Schaffner)
Filter style Reference Current Quantity Filter style Reference Current Quantity
2004, 2006 Footprint type Q2-FIA4010-SE 10 A 1 4002 / 4004 / 4005 / 4007 Footprint type Q2-FIA4010-SE 10 A 1
2010, 2012 Q2-FIA4020-SE 20 A 1 4009 / 4012 Q2-FIA4020-SE 20 A 1
2021, 2030 Q2-FIA4035-SE 35 A 1 4018 / 4023 Q2-FIA4035-SE 35 A 1
2042, 2056, 2070 Book type Q2-FIA4080-SE 80 A 1 4031 / 4038 Q2-FIA4050-SE 50 A 1
2082 Q2-FIA4100-SE 100 A 1 4044 / 4060 / 4075 Book type Q2-FIA4080-SE 80 A 1
2110, 2138, 2169 Q2-FIA4170-SE 170 A 1 4089 Q2-FIA4100-SE 100 A 1
2211, 2257, 2313, 2360, 2415 Busbar -termination type Q2-FIA4410-SE 410 A 1 4103 / 4140 / 4168 Q2-FIA4170-SE 170 A 1
4208 / 4250 / 4296 / 4371 / 4389 Busbar -termination type Q2-FIA4410-SE 410 A 1
4453 / 4568 Q2-FIA4600-SE 600 A 1
4675 Q2-FIA4410-SE 410 A 2

① Input AC reactors

200 V 400 V
Input AC reactor Model
Input AC reactor
2004 / 2006 / 2010 AX-RAI02800100-DE 4002 AX-RAI07700042-DE
2012 AX-RAI00880200-DE 4004 AX-RAI07700050-DE
2021 / 2030 / 2042 AX-RAI00350335-DE 4005 AX-RAI03500090-DE
2056 / 2070 AX-RAI00180670-DE 4007 AX-RAI03500100-DE
2082 / 2110 AX-RAI00091000-DE 4009 / 4012 AX-RAI01300170-DE
2138 / 2169 AX-RAI00071550-DE 4018 / 4023 / 4031 AX-RAI00740335-DE
2211 / 2257 AX-RAI00042300-DE 4038 / 4044 AX-RAI00360500-DE
2313 / 2360 / 2415 Please, contact your OMRON representative 4060 / 4075 AX-RAI00290780-DE
4089 / 4103 AX-RAI00191150-DE
4140 / 4168 AX-RAI00111850-DE
4208 / 4250 AX-RAI00072700-DE
4296 AX-RAI00043350-DE
4371 / 4389 AX-RAI00034500-DE
4453 AX-RAI00025350-DE

① DC reactors

200 V 400 V
DC reactor Model
DC reactor
2004 / 2006 AX-RC06750061-DE 4002 / 4004 AX-RC43000020-DE
2010 AX-RC03510093-DE 4005 AX-RC10100069-DE
2012 AX-RC02510138-DE 4007 / 4009 AX-RC06400116-DE
2021 / 2030 AX-RC01110309-DE 4012 AX-RC04410167-DE
2042 AX-RC00840437-DE 4018 AX-RC03350219-DE
2056 AX-RC00590614-DE 4023 AX-RC02330307-DE
2070 AX-RC00440859-DE 4031 / 4038 AX-RC01750430-DE
2082 AX-RC00301275-DE 4044 AX-RC01200644-DE

① Output AC reactors

200 V 400 V
Output AC reactor Model
Output AC reactor
2004 / 2006 AX-RAO07600042-DE 4002 AX-RAO16300038-DE
2010 AX-RAO04100075-DE 4004 AX-RAO11800053-DE
2012 AX-RAO03000105-DE 4005 AX-RAO07300080-DE
2021 / 2030 AX-RAO01150220-DE 4007 / 4009 AX-RAO04600110-DE
2042 AX-RAO00950320-DE 4012 AX-RAO03600160-DE
2056 AX-RAO00630430-DE 4018 AX-RAO02500220-DE
2070 AX-RAO00490640-DE 4023 AX-RAO02000320-DE
2082 AX-RAO00390800-DE 4031 AX-RAO01650400-DE
2110 AX-RAO00330950-DE 4038 / 4044 AX-RAO01300480-DE
2138 AX-RAO00251210-DE 4060 AX-RAO00800750-DE
2169 AX-RAO00191450-DE 4075 AX-RAO00680900-DE
2211 AX-RAO00161820-DE 4089 / 4103 AX-RAO00531100-DE
2257 AX-RAO00132200-DE 4140 AX-RAO00401490-DE
2313 / 2360 / 2415 Please, contact your OMRON representative 4168 AX-RAO00331760-DE
4208 AX-RAO00262170-DE
4250 AX-RAO00212600-DE
4296 AX-RAO00173250-DE
4371 / 4389 AX-RAO00134440-DE
4453 AX-RAO00115250-DE

Note:This table corresponds with HD rating. When ND is used, please choose the reactor for the next size inverter.

① Chokes

Diameter Description Order code
21 For 2.2 KW motors or below AX-FER2102-PE
28 For 15 KW motors or below AX-FER2815-PE
50 For 45 KW motors or below AX-FER5045-PE
52 For 55 KW motors or above AX-FER5255-PE

② Option cards

Type Description Function Order code
option cards
EtherCAT Used for running or stopping the inverter, setting or referencing parameters, and monitoring output
frequency, output current, or similar items through EtherCAT communication with the host controller.
Modbus TCP/IP Used for running or stopping the inverter, setting or referencing parameters, and monitoring output
frequency, output current, or similar items through Modbus TCP/IP communication with the host controller.
Modbus TCP/IP Dual-Port SI-EM3/D
PROFINET Used for running or stopping the inverter, setting or referencing parameters, and monitoring output
frequency, output current, or similar items through PROFINET communication with the host controller.
EtherNet/IP Used for running or stopping the inverter, setting or referencing parameters, and monitoring output
frequency, output current, or similar items through EtherNet/IP communication with the host controller.
EtherNet/IP Dual-Port SI-EN3/D
POWERLINK Used for running or stopping the inverter, setting or referencing parameters, and monitoring output
frequency, output current, or similar items through POWERLINK communication with the host controller.
option cards
Analog input To configure very accurate analog references at high resolution
Input signal level: –10 to 10 VDC (20 kW) at 4 to 20 mA (250 W)
Input channel: 3 channels (use a DIP switch to select voltage or current input)
Voltage input resolution: 13 bits (1/8192) + encoding
Current input resolution: 1/4096
Analog monitor To use analog signals to monitor the drive output frequency and current
Output resolution: 11 bits (1/2048) + encoding
Output voltage: –10 to 10 VDC (non-insulated)
Output channel: 2 channels
Digital input To use digital speed references and MFDI with a maximum 16 bits of resolution
Input signals: Binary, 16 bits: BCD4 digits + SIGN signal + SET signal
(use parameters to select 6 bits, 8 bits or 12 bits)
Input voltage: 24 V (insulated)
Input current: 8 mA
Digital output To output insulated digital signals and monitor the operation status
of the drive (alarm signals and detecting zero speed)
Photocoupler relays: 6 channels (48 V, 50 mA max.)
Relay contact: 2 channels (250 VAC at 1 A or less, 30 VDC at 1 A or less)
Feedback speed
option cards
Motor PG feedback open
collector interface
For speed feedback input by connecting a motor encoder
Input: 3 track (one or two tracks), for HTL encoder connection, 50 KHz max
Output: 3 track, open collector
Encoder power supply: 12 V, 200 mA max

Motor PG feedback line
driver interface
For speed feedback input by connecting a motor encoder
Input: 3 track (one or two tracks), line driver, 300 kHz max
Output: 3 track, line driver
Encoder power supply: 5 V or 12 V, 200 mA max

EnDat encoder For speed feedback input by connecting a motor encoder
Encoder type: EnDat 2.1/01, EnDat 2.2/01, EnDat 2.2/22 (HEIDENHAIN), HIPERFACE models (SICK STEGMANN)
Maximum input frequency: 20 kHz
Pulse monitor: Equivalent to RS-422 level
Output voltage: 5 V at max. current of 330 mA, 8 V at max. current of 150 mA
Wiring length: 20 m max. for the encoder, 30 m max. for the pulse monitor

Resolver interface For motor speed feedback by connecting a resolver (TS2640N321E64 by Tamagawa Seiki Co., LTD)
Input voltage: 10 VAC rms 10 kHz
Transformation ratio: 0.5±5%
Maximum input current: 100 mA rms

③ Accessories

Description Functions Order code
USB cable Mini USB to USB cable AX-CUSBM002-E
Remote operator cable 3 meters cable to connect the keypad and drive 3G3AX-CAJOP300-EE
Keypad mounting bracket This bracket is required to mount the
LCD Remote Operator outside an enclosure panel
Screw type 900-192-933-001
Nut type 900-192-933-002

④ Computer software

Description Functions Order code
Computer software Software tool to configure drives and manage parameters Q2edit
Software tool to do advanced drive programming Q2dev

⑤ D1000 kit – DC Supply with Regenerative Active Front End

Rated power
D1000 kit
Regenerative DC bus supply unit

EMC filter

Low harmonic filter

Kit code
5 CIMR-DC4A0005BAA B84143A0020R106 B84143G0008R176 D1KIT40005AAAAB
10 CIMR-DC4A0010BAA B84143G0016R176 D1KIT40010AAAAB
20 CIMR-DC4A0020BAA B84143A0035R106 B84143G0030R176 D1KIT40020AAAAB
30 CIMR-DC4A0030AAA B84143A0065R106 B84143G0043R176 D1KIT40030AAAAB
40 CIMR-DC4A0040AAA B84143G0058R176 D1KIT40040AAAAB
60 CIMR-DC4A0060AAA B84143B0180S080 B84143G0086R176 D1KIT40060AAAAB
100 CIMR-DC4A0100AAA B84143G0145R176 D1KIT40100AAAAB
130 CIMR-DC4A0130AAA B84143B0400S080 B84143G0210S176 D1KIT40130AAAAB
185 CIMR-DC4A0185AAA B84143G0300S176 D1KIT40185AAAAB
270 CIMR-DC4A0270AAA B84143B1000S080 B84143G0410S176 D1KIT40270AAAAB
370 CIMR-DC4A0370AAA B84143G0560S176 D1KIT40370AAAAB

⑤ R1000 kit – Regenerative Braking unit

Rated power
R1000 kit
Regenerative braking unit (R1000)

Current suppression reactor (1%)

Kit code
3.5 CIMR-RC4A03P5FAA B1509105 R1KIT40003AAAAA
7 CIMR-RC4A0007FAA B1509106 R1KIT40007AAAAA
10 CIMR-RC4A0010FAA B1509107 R1KIT40010AAAAA
14 CIMR-RC4A0014FAA B1509108 R1KIT40014AAAAA
20 CIMR-RC4A0020FAA B1509109 R1KIT40020AAAAA
28 CIMR-RC4A0028FAA B1509110 R1KIT40028AAAAA
35 CIMR-RC4A0035AAA B1504118 R1KIT40035AAAAA
43 CIMR-RC4A0043AAA B1509111 R1KIT40043AAAAA
53 CIMR-RC4A0053AAA B1509112 R1KIT40053AAAAA
73 CIMR-RC4A0073AAA B1509113 R1KIT40073AAAAA
105 CIMR-RC4A0105AAA B1509114 R1KIT40105AAAAA
150 CIMR-RC4A0150AAA B1505002 R1KIT40150AAAAA
210 CIMR-RC4A0210AAA B1505008 R1KIT40210AAAAA
300 CIMR-RC4A0300AAA B1505011 R1KIT40300AAAAA

⑤ Braking unit, braking resistor unit

Inverter Braking unit Braking Resistor (10% ED) Connectable min.
resistance Ω
Max. applicable motor
Model Qty Model Specifications of Resistor Qty
200 V
0.4 2004 HD Built-in AX-REM00K1200-IE 100W 200 Ω 1 48
0.75 2004 ND
2006 HD
1.5 2006 ND AX-REM00K4075-IE 400W 75 Ω 1
2010 HD
2.2 2010 ND
2012 HD 16
3.0 2012 ND AX-REM00K4035-IE 400W 35 Ω 1
3.7 2021 HD
5.5 2021 ND AX-REM00K6035-IE 600W 35 Ω 1
2030 HD
7.5 2030 ND AX-REM00K9020-IE 900W 20 Ω 1
2042 HD 9.6
11 2042 ND AX-REM02K1017-IE 2000W 17 Ω 1
2056 HD
15 2056 ND AX-REM03K5010-IE 3500W 10 Ω 1
2070 HD
18.5 2070 ND
2082 HD
22 2082 ND
2110 HD AX-REM19K0008-IE 19000W 8 Ω 1 6.4
30 2110 ND
2138 HD
37 2138 ND
2169 HD CDBR-2037D 1 AX-REM19K0006-IE 19000W 6 Ω 1 5.0
45 2169 ND
2211 HD CDBR-2022D 2 AX-REM19K0008-IE 19000W 8 Ω 2 6.4
55 2211 ND
2257 HD
75 2257 ND CDBR-2110D 1 Please, contact your OMRON representative
2313 HD
90 2313 ND
2360 HD
110 2360 ND
2415 HD
400 V class 0.4 4002 HD Built-in AX-REM00K1400-IE 100 W 400 Ω 1 165
0.75 4002 ND
4004 HD
1.5 4004 ND AX-REM00K2200-IE 200 W 200 Ω 1
4005 HD 110
2.2 4005 ND
4007 HD
3.0 4007 ND
4009 HD AX-REM00K4075-IE 400 W 75 Ω 1 55
3.7 4009 ND
4012 HD
5.5 4012 ND AX-REM00K5120-IE 500 W 120 Ω 1
4018 HD 32
7.5 4018 ND AX-REM00K9070-IE 900 W 70 Ω 1
4023 HD
11 4023 ND
4031 HD 20
15 4031 ND AX-REM01K9070-IE 1900 W 70 Ω 1
4038 HD
18.5 4038 ND AX-REM03K5035-IE 3500 W 35 Ω 1
4044 HD 19.2
22 4044 ND
4060 HD
30 4060 ND AX-REM19K0030-IE 19000 W 30 Ω 1
4075 HD
37 4075 ND
4089 HD 2 10.6
45 4089 ND
4103 HD 8.7
55 4103 ND
4140 HD AX-REM38K0012-IE 38000 W 12 Ω 1 7.2
75 4140 ND
4168 HD AX-REM19K0020-IE 19000 W 20 Ω 3 5.2
90 4168 ND
4208 HD CDBR-4045D 2 12.8
110 4208 ND CDBR-4220D 1 4 3.2
4250 HD
132 4250 ND AX-REM38K0012-IE 38000 W 12 Ω 2 3.2
4296 HD
160 4296 ND
4371 HD
200 4371 ND
4389 HD
220 4389 ND Please, contact your OMRON representative
4453 HD
250 4453 ND
4568 HD
315 4568 ND 2
4675 HD
355 4675 ND


200 V class

Q2A-A⬜ Duty
2004 2006 2010 2012 2021 2030 2042 2056 2070
Max. applicable motor output (kW) HD

0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4.0 5.5 7.5 11 15

0.75 1.1 2.2 3.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
Inverter capacity (kVA) HD

1.2 1.9 3.0 4.2 6.7 9.5 12.6 17.9 22.9

1.3 2.3 3.7 4.6 8.0 11.4 16 21.3 26.7
Rated output current (A) HD 3.2 5.0 8.0 11 17.5 25 33 47 60
ND 3.5 6.0 9.6 12.2 21 30 42 56 70
Overload tolerance

HD: 150% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
ND: 110% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
Carrier frequency

(without derating the drive capacity)

HD: 8 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
Max. output voltage Proportional to input voltage: 200-240 V
Max. output frequency AOLV, EZOLV: 120 Hz
CL-V/f, CLV, AOLV/PM, CLV/PM: 400 Hz
V/f, OLV, OLV/PM: 590 Hz
Power supply Rated voltage and frequency 3-phase AC power supply 200-240 V at 50/60 Hz
DC power supply 270-340 VDC
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10%
Allowable frequency fluctuation ±5%
Input Power (kVA) HD 1.5 2.0 3.7 5.3 8.6 12.5 16.8 24.2 32.6
ND 2.0 2.8 5.3 7.1 12.5 16.8 21.6 32.6 39.9
Weight (kg) 3.5 3.9 4.2 6 8.5
Q2A-A⬜ Duty
2082 2110 2138 2169 2211 2257 2313 2360 2415
Max. applicable motor output (kW) HD

18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110

22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110
Inverter capacity (kVA) HD

28.6 33.5 43.8 55.3 68.6 81.9 108 132 158

31.2 41.9 52.6 64.4 80.4 97.9 119 137
Rated output current (A) HD 75 88 115 145 180 215 283 346 415
ND 82 110 138 169 211 257 313 360
Overload tolerance

HD: 150% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
ND: 110% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
Carrier frequency

(without derating the drive capacity)

HD: 8 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
HD: 5 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
Max. output voltage Proportional to input voltage: 200-240 V
Max. output frequency AOLV, EZOLV: 120 Hz
CL-V/f, CLV, AOLV/PM, CLV/PM: 400 Hz
V/f, OLV, OLV/PM: 590 Hz
Power supply Rated voltage and frequency 3-phase AC power supply 200-240 V at 50/60 Hz
DC power supply 270-340 VDC
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10%
Allowable frequency fluctuation ±5%
Input Power (kVA) HD 39.9 34.1 46.1 56.5 68.2 83.1 113 135 164
ND 47.4 46.1 56.5 68.2 83.1 113 135 164
Weight (kg) 9.0 22 24 39 40 67 104 119

400 V class

Q2A-A⬜ Input
4002 4004 4005 4007 4009 4012 4018 4023 4031 4038 4044 4060 4075
Max. applicable motor output (kW) < 460 V

HD 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
ND 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37
≥ 460 V

HD 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
ND 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37
Inverter capacity (kVA) < 460 V

HD 1.2 2.2 3.2 3.6 4.7 6.1 10 12 16 20 26 30 39
ND 1.4 2.7 3.6 4.7 5.9 7.8 12 15 20 25 29 39 49
≥ 460 V

HD 1.3 1.7 2.7 3.8 5.5 6.1 8.8 11 17 22 27 32 41
ND 1.7 2.4 3.8 5.5 6.1 8.8 11 17 22 27 32 41 52
Rated output current (A) < 460 V HD 1.8 3.4 4.8 5.5 7.2 9.2 14.8 18 24 31 39 45 60
ND 2.1 4.1 5.4 7.1 8.9 11.9 17.5 23.4 31 38 44 59.6 74.9
≥ 460 V HD 1.6 2.1 3.4 4.8 6.9 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 40 52
ND 2.1 3.0 4.8 6.9 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 40 52 65
Overload tolerance

HD: 150% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
ND: 110% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
Carrier frequency

(without derating the drive capacity)

HD: 8 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
Max. output voltage Proportional to input voltage: 380-480 V
Max. output frequency AOLV, EZOLV: 120 Hz
CL-V/f, CLV, AOLV/PM, CLV/PM: 400 Hz
V/f, OLV, OLV/PM: 590 Hz
Power supply Rated voltage and frequency 3-phase AC power supply 380-480 V at 50/60 Hz
DC power supply 513-679 VDC
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10%
Allowable frequency fluctuation ±5%
Input Power (kVA) < 460 V HD 1.5 2.8 3.7 5.3 7.1 9.3 13 17 24 33 40 34 46
ND 2.0 3.7 5.3 7.1 9.3 13 17 24 33 40 48 46 57
≥ 460 V HD 1.3 1.7 3.2 4.6 6.1 7.5 11 15 21 28 35 30 40
ND 2.1 4.0 5.6 7.5 9.1 13 18 26 35 42 50 49 60
Weight (kg) 3.5 3.9 4.2 6.0 7.5 12 17
Q2A-A⬜ Input
4089 4103 4140 4168 4208 4250 4296 4371 4389 4453 4568 4675
Max. applicable motor output (kW) < 460 V

HD 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315
ND 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355
≥ 460 V

HD 37 45 55 75 90 110 150 185 220 260 300 335
ND 45 55 75 90 110 150 185 220 260 300 335 370
Inverter capacity (kVA) < 460 V

HD 49 60 74 99 118 142 171 200 244 272 298 398
ND 59 68 92 111 137 165 195 244 256 298 374 444
≥ 460 V

HD 52 61 76 99 124 143 191 241 288 330 380 410
ND 61 76 99 124 143 191 241 288 330 380 410 482
Rated output current (A) < 460 V HD 75 91 112 150 180 216 260 304 371 414 453 605
ND 89.2 103 140 168 208 250 296 371 389 453 568 675
≥ 460 V HD 65 77 96 124 156 180 240 302 361 414 477 515
ND 77 96 124 156 180 240 302 361 414 477 515 605
Overload tolerance

HD: 150% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
ND: 110% of the rated output current for 60 seconds
Carrier frequency

(without derating the drive capacity)

HD: 8 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
HD: 5 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
HD: 2 kHz
ND: 2 kHz
Max. output voltage Proportional to input voltage: 380-480 V
Max. output frequency AOLV, EZOLV: 120 Hz
CL-V/f, CLV, AOLV/PM, CLV/PM: 400 Hz
V/f, OLV, OLV/PM: 590 Hz
Power supply Rated voltage and frequency 3-phase AC power supply 380-480 V at 50/60 Hz
DC power supply 513-679 VDC
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10%
Allowable frequency fluctuation ±5%
Input Power (kVA) < 460 V HD 57 69 84 113 136 165 198 239 297 327 370 465
ND 69 84 113 136 165 198 239 297 327 370 465 523
≥ 460 V HD 49 59 72 98 117 142 193 240 288 335 382 429
ND 73 88 120 143 174 236 295 352 410 468 526 584
Weight (kg) 22 25 38 39 71 122 126 198 207


Voltage class Inverter model
Dimensions in mm
Three-phase 200 V 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012 260 140 176
2021, 2030, 2042 211
2056 300 180 202
2070, 2082 350 220 227
2110 400 240 280
2138 450 255
2169, 2211 543 264 335
2257, 2313 700 312 420
2360, 2415 800 440 472
Three-phase 400 V 4002, 4004, 4005 260 140 176
4007, 4009, 4012, 4018, 4023 211
4031, 4038 300 180 202
4044 350 220 227
4060 246
4075 400 240 280
4089, 4103 450 255
4140, 4168 543 264 335
4208, 4250, 4296 700 312 420
4371, 4389 800 440 472

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