Omron NX102-1120

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Omron NX102-1120; Küçültülmüş boyutlu kontrolörde Bilgi ve Verimlilik

Omron NX102-1120 serisi modüler makine kontrolörü; lojik kontrolü, hareket ve bilgi fonksiyonlarını sunar. Üretim ve IT dünyalarını bir araya getiren NX1, aracı yazılımı engellerken mühendislik ve bakım işlemlerini azaltır.

  • IoT Uyumlu: OPC UA sunucusu standart özellik olarak bulunur, farklı yapılar desteklenir
  • Doğrudan veritabanı bağlantısı: Microsoft SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, Firebird ve PostgreSQL sunucusu için SQL istemcisi
  • Veri işleme için geniş bellek. Değişkenler için 33,5 MB
  • Pilsiz kontrolör
  • Döngü süresi: 1 ms’den itibaren
  • 12 eksene kadar (8 senkronize hareket ekseni ve 4 PTP)
  • Yerel ve uzak G/Ç, EtherCAT aygıtları ve hareket kontrolü için tek bir eşsiz ve senkronize döngü
  • Multi-tasking kontrolör
  • Genişletilmiş ağ bağlantısı, 2 adet Ethernet portu + 1 EtherCAT
  • Güvenlik ve IO-Link master dahil 32 adede kadar yerel NX ünitesi
  • 64 adede kadar EtherCAT node (400xNX ünitesi) desteği

Özellikler ve sipariş bilgisi

Ordering information

NX1 series CPU units

CPU Program capacity Variables capacity Number of axes Functionalities Order code
Real axes Motion control servo axes Single-axis position control axes Sequence OPC UA Motion DB connection
NX102 5 MB 1.5 MB: Retained

32 MB: Not retained

12 axes 8 axes 4 axes NX102-1220
8 axes 4 axes NX102-1120
6 axes 2 axes NX102-1020
4 axes 0 axes NX102-9020

Note:The end cover unit NX-END02 is included with the CPU unit.

NX I/O units (local and remote I/O)

Up to 32 local NX I/O units can be connected to an NX1 CPU unit.

Communication and control units

Module Type Protocol Connection Specification Width Order code
Communication coupler EtherCAT Slave 2 RJ45 ports

(in + out)

Up to 63 I/O units.

Max. 1,024 bytes in + 1,024 bytes out

Supports distributed clock

I/O power supply up to 10 A

46 mm NX-ECC203
Safety controller FSoE Protocol 128 Safety connections For up to 1,024 safety I/O points 30 mm NX-SL3500
32 Safety connections For up to 256 safety I/O points NX-SL3300

IO-Link master unit

Module Type No. of ports I/O refresh method Connection type

Width Order code
IO-Link master unit 4 Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-ILM400

Note:For more detailed information about IO-Link master unit, refer to “IO-Link master datasheet (I191E-EN)”.

Digital I/O units

Module type Channels, Signal type Performance

, I/O Refresh Mode

Connection type

Width Order code NPN-type

AC Digital Input 4 inputs, 200 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-IA3117
Safety Digital Input 4 inputs + 2 test outputs Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-SIH400
8 inputs + 2 test outputs Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-SID800
DC Digital Input 4 inputs, 3-wire connection High-speed Synchronous Time Stamp Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) 12 mm NX-ID3444 NX-ID3344
High-speed Synchronous/Free Run NX-ID3443 NX-ID3343
Synchronous/Free Run NX-ID3417 NX-ID3317
8 inputs, 2-wire connection Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-ID4442 NX-ID4342
16 inputs, 1-wire connection NX-ID5442 NX-ID5342
1 × 20-pin MIL connector 30 mm NX-ID5142-5 same
M3 screw NX-ID5142-1 same
32 inputs, 1-wire connection 1 × 40-pin MIL connector NX-ID6142-5 same
1 × 40-pin Fujitsu connector NX-ID6142-6 same
DC Digital I/O 16 inputs + 16 outputs 0.5 A, 1-wire connection + common Synchronous/Free Run 2 × 20-pin MIL connector 30 mm NX-MD6256-5 NX-MD6121-5
2 × 24-pin Fujitsu connector NX-MD6121-6
DC Digital Output 2 outputs 0.5 A, 3-wire connection High-speed Synchronous Time Stamp Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-OD2258 NX-OD2154
4 outputs 0.5 A, 3-wire connection High-speed Synchronous/Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-OD3257 NX-OD3153
Synchronous/Free Run NX-OD3256 NX-OD3121
4 outputs 2 A/point, 8 A total, 3-wire connection Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-OD3268
8 outputs 0.5 A, 2-wire connection NX-OD4256 NX-OD4121
16 outputs 0.5 A, 1-wire connection NX-OD5256 NX-OD5121
1 × 20-pin MIL connector 30 mm NX-OD5256-5 NX-OD5121-5
M3 screw NX-OD5256-1 NX-OD5121-1
32 outputs 0.5 A, 1-wire connection 1 × 40-pin MIL connector NX-OD6256-5 NX-OD6121-5
1 × 40-pin Fujitsu connector NX-OD6121-6
Safety Digital Output 2 outputs, 2.0 A Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-SOH200
4 outputs, 0.5 A NX-SOD400
Relay Digital Output 2 outputs, N.O., 2.0 A Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-OC2633
8 outputs, N.O., 2.0 A Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082 × 2) 24 mm NX-OC4633
2 outputs, N.O.+ N.C., 2.0 A Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-OC2733

Analog I/O units

Module type Signal type Performance, I/O Refresh Mode Channels Connection type

Width Order code
Temperature Sensor -Input Thermocouple type
0.1°C resolution, 200 ms/unit
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in terminal block(s) with cold junction sensor, calibrated -individually at the factory 12 mm NX-TS2101
4 24 mm NX-TS3101
0.01°C resolution, 10 ms/unit
Free Run
2 12 mm NX-TS2102
4 24 mm NX-TS3102
0.001°C resolution, 60 ms/unit
Free Run
2 12 mm NX-TS2104
4 24 mm NX-TS3104
RTD type
Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000, Ni508.4
0.1°C resolution, 200 ms/unit
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-TS2201
4 Screwless push-in
(NX-TBA162 + NX-TBB162)
24 mm NX-TS3201
0.01°C resolution, 10 ms/unit
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-TS2202
4 Screwless push-in
(NX-TBA162 + NX-TBB162)
24 mm NX-TS3202
0.001°C resolution, 60 ms/unit
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-TS2204
4 Screwless push-in
(NX-TBA162 + NX-TBB162)
24 mm NX-TS3204
Analog Input 4 to 20 mA
single ended
1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-AD2203
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3203
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4203
4 to 20 mA
1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-AD2204
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3204
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4204
1/30000 resolution,10 µs/channel
Synchronous/Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-AD2208
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3208
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4208
–10 to 10 V
single ended
1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-AD2603
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3603
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4603
–10 to 10 V
1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-AD2604
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3604
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4604
1/30000 resolution,10 µs/channel
Synchronous/Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-AD2608
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-AD3608
8 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-AD4608
High-Speed Analog Input –10 to 10 V, –5 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V,
0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 20 mA,
4 to 20 mA
–10 to 10 V or –5 to 5 V: 1/64000
Other input range: 1/32000
5 µs/channel
4 (NPN) Screwless push-in
(NX-TBA162 + NX-TBB162)
24 mm NX-HAD401
4 (PNP) NX-HAD402
Analog Output 4 to 20 mA 1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) 12 mm NX-DA2203
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-DA3203
1/30000 resolution,10 µs/channel
Synchronous/Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-DA2205
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-DA3205
–10 to 10 V 1/8000 resolution, 250 µs/channel
Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-DA2603
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-DA3603
1/30000 resolution,10 µs/channel
Synchronous/Free Run
2 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-DA2605
4 Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-DA3605

Temperature control units

Module type Conversion time,
I/O Refresh Mode
Channels Input type Output type Output capacity CT Input capacity Control type Connection type

Width Order code
Temperature control 50 ms

Free run

2 Multi-input (Thermocouple and
Resistance thermometer)
Voltage output (for driving SSR) 2 points 2 points Standard Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-TC2405
4 points Heating and Cooling NX-TC2407
Linear current output 2 points Standard NX-TC2408
4 Voltage output (for driving SSR) 4 points 4 points Standard Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162 +
24 mm NX-TC3405
8 points Heating and Cooling NX-TC3407
Linear current output 4 points Standard NX-TC3408

Heater burnout detection units

Module type Channels, signal type Control output I/O refresh method Connection type

Width Order code
Heater burnout detection 4 CT inputs
4 control outputs
NPN, 12 to 24 VDC
0.1 A/point, 0.4 A/unit
Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-HB3101
0.1 A/point, 0.4 A/unit

Load cell input unit

Module type Specifications Excitation voltage/input range I/O refresh method Connection type

Width Order code
Load cell input 1 load cell input, 125 µs conversion cycle 5 VDC ±10%/–5 to 5 mV/V Synchronous/
Free Run
Screwless push-in (NX-TBC162) 12 mm NX-RS1201

Position control units

Module type Channels, Signal type Performance

, I/O Refresh Mode

Connection type

Width Order code NPN-type

Encoder Input 1 SSI encoder, 2 MHz Synchronous/Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) 12 mm NX-ECS112
2 SSI encoders, 2 MHz NX-ECS212
1 incremental encoder line driver 4 MHz + 3 Digital Inputs (1 µs) Screwless push-in
(NX-TBA122 + NX-TBB122)
24 mm NX-EC0142 NX-EC0132
1 incremental encoder open collector 500 kHz + 3 Digital Inputs (1 µs) Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-EC0122 NX-EC0112
2 incremental encoders open collector 500 kHz Screwless push-in (NX-TBA122) NX-EC0222 NX-EC0212
Pulse Output 1 Pulse Up/Down or Pulse/Direction open collector 500 kHz + 2 Digital -Inputs + 1 Digital Output (1 µs) Synchronous Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) 12 mm NX-PG0122 NX-PG0112
2 pulse line driver 4 MHz + 5 digital inputs per channel + 3 digital outputs per channel 1 × 34-pin MIL connector 30 mm NX-PG0242-5 NX-PG0232-5
4 pulse line driver 4 MHz + 5 digital inputs per channel + 3 digital outputs per channel 2 × 34-pin MIL connector NX-PG0342-5 NX-PG0332-5

Serial communication interface units

Module type Channels, Signal type Performance

, I/O Refresh Mode

Connection type

Width Order code NPN-type

Serial Communication 1 × RS-422A/485 Free Run Screwless push-in (NX-TBC162) 12 mm NX-CIF105
1 × RS-232C NX-CIF101
2 × RS-232C 9-pin D-sub 30 mm NX-CIF210

Other units

Module type Description Connection type

Width Order code
Power Unit NX bus power supply unit, 24 V DC input, non-isolated Screwless push-in (NX-TBC082) 12 mm NX-PD1000
I/O power feed unit, for separation of power groups, up to 10 A Screwless push-in (NX-TBA082) NX-PF0730
I/O power connection unit, 16 × IOV Screwless push-in (NX-TBA162) NX-PC0020
I/O power connection unit, 16 × IOG NX-PC0010
I/O power connection, 8 × IOV + 8 x IOG NX-PC0030
System Units and -Accessories Grounding terminal, 16 points Screwless push-in (NX-TBC162) NX-TBX01
End cover (included with Communication Coupler) NX-END01
Replacement front connector with 8 wiring terminals (marked A+B) Screwless push-in NX-TBA082
Replacement front connector with 12 wiring terminals (marked A+B) NX-TBA122
Replacement front connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked A+B) NX-TBA162
Replacement front connector with 12 wiring terminals (marked C+D) NX-TBB122
Replacement front connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked C+D) NX-TBB162
Replacement front connector with 8 wiring terminals (marked A+B+FG) NX-TBC082
Replacement front connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked A+B+FG) NX-TBC162
DIN rail insulation spacers, set of 3 pcs NX-AUX01
30 Unit pins + 30 Terminal keying pins, to prevent mismatch of unit and terminal block (one set is enough for 10 units) NX-AUX02

Recommended EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP communication cables

Item Manufacturer Color Cable length (m) Order code
EtherCAT cable Cat 5e, AWG22, 2-pair cable

M12/Smartclick connectors

Improved shield for EtherCAT

Standard type

Cable with connectors on both ends

(M12 straight/M12 straight)

OMRON Black 0.5 XS5W-T421-BM2-SS
1 XS5W-T421-CM2-SS
2 XS5W-T421-DM2-SS
3 XS5W-T421-EM2-SS
5 XS5W-T421-GM2-SS
10 XS5W-T421-JM2-SS
Rugged type

Cable with connectors on both ends

(M12 straight/RJ45)

Black 0.5 XS5W-T421-BMCSS
1 XS5W-T421-CMC-SS
2 XS5W-T421-DMC-SS
3 XS5W-T421-EMC-SS
5 XS5W-T421-GMC-SS
10 XS5W-T421-JMC-SS
patch cable
Cat 6a, AWG27, 4-pair cable

Cable sheath material: LSZH


Standard type

Cable with connectors on both ends (RJ45/RJ45)

Yellow 0.2 XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-Y
1.5 XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-Y
7.5 XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-Y
10 XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-Y
15 XS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-Y
20 XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-Y
Green 0.2 XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-G
1.5 XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-G
7.5 XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-G
10 XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-G
15 XS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-G
20 XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-G
Cat 5e, AWG26, 4-pair cable

Cable sheath material: PUR

Standard type

Cable with connectors on both ends (RJ45/RJ45)

Green 0.5 XS6W-5PUR8SS50CM-G
1.5 XS6W-5PUR8SS150CM-G
7.5 XS6W-5PUR8SS750CM-G
10 XS6W-5PUR8SS1000CM-G
15 XS6W-5PUR8SS1500CM-G
20 XS6W-5PUR8SS2000CM-G
Cat 5e, AWG22, 2-pair cable Rugged type

Cable with connectors on both ends (RJ45/RJ45)

OMRON Grey 0.3 XS5W-T421-AMD-K
0.5 XS5W-T421-BMD-K
1 XS5W-T421-CMD-K
2 XS5W-T421-DMD-K
3 XS5W-T421-EMD-K
5 XS5W-T421-GMD-K
10 XS5W-T421-JMD-K
15 XS5W-T421-KMD-K
Rugged type

Cable with connectors on both ends (M12 straight/RJ45)

Grey 0.3 XS5W-T421-AMC-K
0.5 XS5W-T421-BMC-K
1 XS5W-T421-CMC-K
2 XS5W-T421-DMC-K
3 XS5W-T421-EMC-K
5 XS5W-T421-GMC-K
10 XS5W-T421-JMC-K
15 XS5W-T421-KMC-K
patch cable
Cat 5e, AWG22, 2-pair cable Rugged type

Cable with connectors on both ends (M12 L right angle/RJ45)

OMRON Grey 0.3 XS5W-T422-AMC-K
0.5 XS5W-T422-BMC-K
1 XS5W-T422-CMC-K
2 XS5W-T422-DMC-K
3 XS5W-T422-EMC-K
5 XS5W-T422-GMC-K
10 XS5W-T422-JMC-K
15 XS5W-T422-KMC-K
Ethernet -installation -cable Cat 5, SF/UTP, 4 × 2 × AWG 24/1 (solid core), Polyurethane (PUR) Weidmüller Green 100 WM IE-5IC4x2xAWG24/1-PUR
Cat 5, SF/UTP, 4 × 2 × AWG 26/7 (stranded core), Polyurethane (PUR) Green 100 WM IE-5IC4x2xAWG26/7-PUR
Connectors RJ45 metallic connector

For AWG22 to AWG26

RJ45 plastic connector

For AWG22 to AWG24

RJ45 socket DIN-rail mount socket to terminate installation cable in the -cabinet Weidmüller WM IE-T0-RJ45-FJ-B

Note:Please be careful while cable processing, for EtherCAT, connectors on both ends should be shield connected and for EtherNet/IP, connectors on only one end should be shield connected.


Appearance Specifications Order code
EtherCAT junction slaves 3 ports

Power supply voltage: 20.4 to 28.8 VDC (24 VDC –15 to 20%)

Current consumption: 0.08 A

6 ports

Power supply voltage: 20.4 to 28.8 VDC (24 VDC –15 to 20%)

Current consumption: 0.17 A

Industrial switching hubs
(for EtherNet/IP and Ethernet)
Quality of Service (QoS):

EtherNet/IP control data priority.

Failure detection:

Broadcast storm and LSI error detection

10/100 BASE-TX, Auto-Negotiation

Current consumption: 0.22 A

3 ports

Power supply connector included

5 ports

Power supply connector included

5 ports

Power supply connector and connector for informing error -included

SD memory card 2 GB HMC-SD291
4 GB HMC-SD491
DIN track Length: 0.5 m; height: 7.3 mm PFP-50N
Length: 1 m; height: 7.3 mm PFP-100N
Length: 1 m; height: 16 mm PFP-100N2
End plate to secure the units on the DIN rail PFP-M (2 pcs)
Battery for NX/NJ CPU unit CJ1W-BAT01
End cover End cover for NX1 and NX1P CPU units

(Provided with the CPU unit)

End cover for EtherCAT communication coupler unit

(Provided with the EtherCAT communication coupler unit)


Computer software

Specifications Order code
Sysmac Studio Lite Edition

version 1.23 or higher


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